Lucy D.

Lucy D.

West Melbournefrom 20 AUD per hour

Creative, caring and active baby sitter // Completely flexible // Experience with children aged 2-12, including Autism My name is Lucy and I would describe myself as a loving, disciplined and creative 19 year old. I recently moved from my home and job as an assistant at a design and fashion magazine in London to Melbourne in search of new culture and scenes. I currently hold experience in caring and tutoring children and my own siblings aged 2, 5 and 11, one whom is Autistic. I typically would bring the children home from school, cook them nourishing meals/snacks and provide them with after school activities e.g. swimming/sports in the park/help with homework. Later on, I would prepare the children for bed and read them a night time story if they wish. However, my methods of caring can be completely up to you. If I am of any interest to you, I look forward to meeting you! P.S I now own a baby rabbit which I am happy to bring over for the children

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2 users have contacted them
West Melbourne, Melbourne, City of Melbourne, Victoria
and 10 km around
  1. Child carefrom 20 AUD per hour
    1. Babysittersfrom 20 AUD per hour
    2. Parent's helpfrom 20 AUD per hour
I can start immediately
  • I can go outside together
  • I can cook
  • I can clean
Children's age
    2-18 years old
Max. number of kids
Higher education
Sixth form education at boarding school, set to study Law at Bristol Uni (UK)
  • French