Babysitting check-list for Parents

Make it as easy and safe as possible for your babysitter to look after your children.

A good briefing and a simple list of important information will make all the difference, allowing your babysitter to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

Check-list for Babysitters and Nannies at Babysitters Now

Here's a check-list that should help. It is not exhaustive, but it can help to start the process.

  • The Routine: Be clear what the routine is for the time you will be away, whether it’s during the day or the evening. Map it out by the hour, for each child.
  • Special needs: Outline ALL special requirements e.g. dietary restrictions, allergies, phobias etc.
  • Phone numbers: Leave a list of phone numbers, including your mobile and/or a number for where you will be, your partner’s mobile/contact, any neighbours, if appropriate and/or local family members. Also provide the name and location of where you will be at what time and indicate if it is OK to send you an SMS or call you. AND make sure you have their mobile phone number.
  • House tour: Show the babysitter around the house. Acquaint her with heating/cooling, security, entertainment system, phone etc. Make sure you have a set of keys ready for them.
  • House rules: Be clear about where the boundaries are; what’s OK (food they can eat, use of the TV/internet etc) and what’s not (smoking, friends etc).
  • Pets: Ensure the Babysitter knows about any pets beforehand – it can be a show-stopper if they are allergic or phobic. Outline the routine for caring for the pets, and make it as easy as possible.
  • Food: If you need the babysitter to prepare or serve up any food for the children, ensure that you clearly describe meal elements, routines and preferences.
  • Homework: Outline home-work requirements if necessary. Some Babysitters may be happy to help out with homework, but you should check this out in the interview.
  • Bed: Outline requirements for sending the children to bed, if required. Routines like changing, teeth brushing and story time, with time ranges for different ages as required. Acquaint the babysitter with the location of things like nappies, dummies etc. Describe how you settle your children when necessary.
  • Cancellations: If your child is sick, you should cancel the babysitter. If possible, do this as early as you can, as a courtesy, although this is sometimes difficult.
  • De-brief: When you get home, take a few minutes to get a quick overview of how it all went.
  • Payment: Pay in cash when you return and make sure you have the right amount.
  • Escort: Ensure that the babysitter is safe as they leave the house to get to their transport.
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